Was brought in as an emergency team with another designer, Paige Currie, to work with ARIES (Applied Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Services), an organization at Centennial College, to assist getting a 142 page Canadian Tire safety manual from Microsoft Word into InDesign. ARIES needed someone proficient in InDesign to meet the deliverable requirements from Canadian Tire. This involved typesetting, proofreading, editing, desigining the layout, and providing print-ready and interactive PDFs on a very tight eight day deadline.
We were able to help Centennial College hit their deadline. Their client, Canadian Tire, was incredibly happy with the results. While there are definitely things I would change if we had more time, we laid out a huge amount of information in a very short timeframe and delivered a professional result.
View my partner on this project, Paige Currie's, portfolio here.




